Jacob Reeſ-Mogg’ſ hand-written resignation letter iſ ſlathered with pretention
Jacob Reeſ-Mogg’ſ hand-written resignation letter iſ ſlathered with pretention
Jacob Reeſ-Mogg has resigned in the moſt Jacob Reeſ-Mogg way poſſble (Picture: Twitter)
Hear ye! hear ye! Let it be known that on thiſ day of ſt Criſpin on the twenty-fifth day in the tenth month of the two-thousand-and-twenty-ſecond day of our Lord Jesuſ Chriſt, Jacob Reeſ-Mogg haſ reſigned ſrom government.
Let it be known up and down thiſ noble land of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and…